The domain name.tv is the Internet country code top-level domain for Tuvalu. The domain name is popular, and thus economically valuable, because TV also happens to be an abbreviation... Wikipedia
- Introduced: 1996
- TLD type: Country code top-level domain
- Status: Active
- Registry: GoDaddy Registry
- Sponsor: Government of Tuvalu
- Intended use: Entities connected with Tuvalu
- Actual use: Marketed commercially for use in television (TV) or video-related sites, can be registered and used for any purpose, little use in Tuvalu
- Registration restrictions: None
- Structure: Direct second-level registrations are allowed, some second-level domains such as gov.tv are reserved for third-level domains representing entities in Tuvalu
- Dispute policies: UDRP
- Website: turnon.tv
- Data source: DuckDuckGo